:iconCovenwood: What is your woodland witch's specialty? Their talent or chosen profession? There are many callings that a witch may pursue: potion brewing, herbalist, divination, charms, elemental magics and so on. Prompt: Draw, write or otherwise create a submission that shows off your woodland witch's talents!
I hope we can use this prompt to introduce our characters and meet one another.
(One of my entries - )
The RP and art group for @Herboreal 's 'woodland witch' themed designs! The Idea I approached Badjer with my idea for a simple RP setting for all of her lovely woodland witches. Personally, I have three witches! Soon after pitching my idea, the group was created. The Setting: As the group name implies, Covenwood's setting is a vast and possibly endless series of forests and other environs inhabited by your woodland witch and their friends. Beyond that I hoped to keep the setting and rules loose, so that stories could be enjoyed with ease. How to Participate: If you have purchased a design from Herboreal, you can post art...