Map of Europe 1970sCouxMeBreux on DeviantArt

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Map of Europe 1970s



Lightly detailed map of Europe using a Lambert Conformal Conic projection.

The map intends to show Europe during the 1970s in an alternate timeline where the Central Powers won world war 1 and then either won a second world war or avoided a second great war alltogether.

The majority of central or eastern Europe is part of the German-led Mitteleuropa economic union while countries in the periferies like Russia, the United Kingdom, the Ottoman Empire etc remain outside the organisation, often being part of other regional networks.

The most vindictive action taken this century is by most considered to be the Austro-Hungarian empire's breakup of the Kingdom of Italy after a war during the 1940s. Though officially broken into six monarchies, the four northern states remain close whilst the State of the Church and the Two Sicilies remain separate, for the nonce.

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You fucking forgot Saaremaa