Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings, Mad Max, Alice in Wonderland, How to Train Your Dragon, Spirited Away, Ponyo, The Little Mermaid, The Grudge, Battle Royale, Sweeney Todd, Nightmare before Christmas, XMen, Batman
Favourite TV Shows
Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, Fargo, Sherlock, Gotham, Parks and Rec, Community, Black Rock Shooter, Naruto, Oban Star Racers, Death Note, Norigami, all da Anime!!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
My Chemical Romance, David Bowie, Queen, Pink Floyd, Mika, Linkin Park, Vocaloids, Duke Special, anything loud!
Favourite Books
Lord of the Rings, Study series, Glass series, I Am Legend, Portrait of Dorian Gray, The Hobbit, Harry Potter, His Mortal Instruments, Sherlock Holmes, Angel, Cult Fiction
Favourite Writers
Stephen King, Oscar Wilde, JRR Tolkien, Maria V Snyder, Edgar Allan Poe, John Clare
Favourite Games
Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Fallout, Super Smash Bros, Alice, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Batman Arkham Asylum,
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation or 3DS