cosplaygirl27's avatar


Save a horse, Ride a Rockstar!
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  • Oct 13
  • United States
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (43)
My Bio

Hi! My name is Tori (: I like listen to music and my life practically revolves around it. I LOVE to dance and I have been doing so for several years now. I also like tattoos. I really wish I could change my username because I never watch anime/cosplay anymore- gotta love usernames made when you were like 12. I dont really draw, but I enjoy looking at other's creations. I have many favorite bands, but my favorite band is My Chemcal Romance ( especially Frankie ;) (Wink) ) I'm fun and like to make friends so hit me up!

I love all my watchers and thank you for all the favs and comments!!!

❑ Taken
✔ Mentally married to a rockstar

Some awesome people/artists:
:iconfallendisasters: or her new account :iconchemicaldisease:, :icondarksidermonents:, :iconandyourbirdcansiing:, :icondragon-flies:, :iconmsasharah:, :iconmetric-cookie:, :iconhootsweets: ,:iconalexskyline:

Well, peace out girl scout!

:iconrayapprovesplz: Ray Toro Approves of My Shenanigans

Some of my favorite icons:
:iconitwasmycookieplz: :iconfrankieieroplz: :iconthuggerardplz: :icongerardderpplz: :iconfrankiederpplz: :iconmikeywayunicornplz: :icongerardfoamfingerplz: :iconawwyeahrayplz: :iconraysgonnaeatyouplz: :iconinzzen: :iconfrankpearlywhitesplz:

"Be yourself, don't take anyone's shit and never let them take you alive..." (Gerard Way - My Chemical Romance)

Current Residence: None of your business ;) (Wink)
Favourite genre of music: Rock/Alternative :) (Smile)
Favourite style of art: Manga/Drawing
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Shell of choice: WTF!?

Favourite TV Shows
Ghost Adventures, Dexter, The Big Bang Theory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Fall Out Boy, Green Day, Rammstein, Papa Roach, Black Veil Brides
Favourite Books
Twilight Series, The Grey Wolves Series
Other Interests
Listening to music, singing, dancing

Hot Men Meme

0 min read
Stolen from :iconchemicaldisease:RULES:1. List your top ten, favorite celebrity men. 2. Answer all the questions listed below. 3. Tag people.TOP TEN MEN:1. Frank Iero 2. Gerard Way 3. Mikey Way 4. Ray Toro 5. Synster Gates 6. Johnny Christ 7. Zacky Vengeance 8. Matt Shadows 9. Mike Dirnt 10. Till LindemannQUESTIONS:So, what do you like the most about 2? He has an amazing voice and he has stuning eyes :OIf you could do anything to 4, what would it be? Touch his fro then glomp him (:Who would you choose between 5 and 7? Five because I find him amazingly sexy and he is awesome at guitar!Out of ten, how much would you rate 1? Infinity!!!What d...
anonymous's avatar
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YOU JUST WOKE UP NAKED IN BED NEXT TO ME...Using only 3 words. What would you say to me?Note: If you comment, please copy and paste this as your journal, so i may comment on yours as well. Be a good sport. Play along :3
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Rules for the game:1. Copy and paste the questions you're tagged with on your own journal. Answer every question thoroughly. 2. You must post 10 different questions written and made up by you after you finish your 10 questions. 3. You must then tag 10 people who must answer your questions. Make sure you tell each person that you tagged them! 4. Ask any question you want (as long as it's appropriate)! 5. You must post the rules!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was tagged by :iconchemicaldisease: AKA Stormi! XD1. What is your favorite slash pairing? Explain what you like about the pairin...
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Profile Comments 226

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saymorksay's avatar
thanks for the watch^^
MCRmylifesupport's avatar
Hello Dearie, thank-you ever so much for the watch. xoxo
cosplaygirl27's avatar
oh ya, no prob XD
babababy59's avatar
happy birthday you awesome fucking friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cosplaygirl27's avatar
Thank you so much!!!
babababy59's avatar
np sorry late comment
KilljoyEchelon's avatar
Happy fucking bday!!:la: