Thank goodness you're back. I've missed you 💋💋
Thanks, I appreciate it)
Lesbians are for the losers.
An interesting opinion... did you use ChatGPT to generate it or you have your own "The irreplaceable analogue" in your country?
I don't chat. I believe in FACTS. And facts are simple: women cannot survive without men, because two sides of humankind are depending on each other. And lesbianism means only one-sided love, which is the sign of degeneration. These are the FACTS, and you can't to anything about it.
What can I say... There're also facts: there're a lot of families (especially in your country) with women and children only (because the man suddenly died because of bad habits or poor quality medicine, or ran away to his mistress, or just left because he didn't want to be responsible for his child. Also some women don't want to marry and have children at all (because of these types of husbands) or they afraid to spend the whole life caring for a man without legs and arms or crying over the grave of the son/daughter who gave his/her life somewhere on foreign soil to protect "traditional relationships"... If these women could change their orientation at will and not wasting time on such men, then this would rather be a salvation for them and they would get a chance to live a more dignified life and even take the time to create a normal environment around them (not only for themselves, but also for straight people, so that both could live peacefully in their native country and plan their future, not running back and forth, telling how dangerous lesbianism is in a country where normal men (and men in general) are becoming scarce...