Mrs Brisby and the medicinecornerstreet on DeviantArt

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Mrs Brisby and the medicine



One of my favourite animated movies, esp when I was a lot younger. I wasn't feeling very well so I popped in my Secrect of NIMH dvd, and doodled, and I tried a cartoony style, but that came out funny, so I did it more realistically...kind of storybookish...

my lil' tribute to the Secret of NIMH

who can guess what other animated movies Don Bluth & Gary Goldman did?

Mrs. Brisby (C) Don Bluth/Gary Goldman
(not bad animation for 1982)
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532x522px 52.87 KB
© 2003 - 2025 cornerstreet
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maria-mar's avatar
Not bad animation?... Fantastic animation!! Better than much of the crap that is done now!! (i'm sure you've seen i can guess more movies: i'm a Bluth/Goldman fan)

Lovely drawing!! Love the rough feel of it.