CorgiArt's avatar


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anonymous's avatar
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RieSakamoto's avatar
Thank you for the request!:)
MyFavoritePurplePen's avatar
I have a general question about Corgis, assuming that most members currently one one or have owned one in the past. I'm sorry if this is the incorrect place to post this!
I'm getting a corgi puppy next Spring/Winter (February - March), and I'm looking for any advice I can get when dealing with this breed. I'm getting a male puppy, who will be about 2 months (8 weeks) old. 
I've owned a German Shepherd Dog before, and I understand that they are two totally different breeds!
Please give me as much advice as possible. I'm really nervous and excited for this puppy and I want to make him as happy and relaxed as possible!
Thank you so much!
Twinwolfje's avatar
hey i draw a free line art of a Corgi Pembroke
feel free to use it
deviantART muro drawing Comment Drawing
Elliste's avatar
Thank you for accepting my artwork & photography. There are some truly adorable photos in your gallery. :)
SammieSound89's avatar
Is the contest not being done anymore?