Favourite Visual Artist
Randy Bishop, Cory Loftis, J. Scott Campbell, Humberto Ramos, Sam Nielson, Sean 'Cheeks' Galloway, Mateo Scalera,
Favourite Movies
The Incredibles, Anchorman, Signs, Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan, The Raid Redemption, Wolf of Wall Street, The Departed, Memento, Tangled, Big Hero 6, Old School, This Is The End
Favourite TV Shows
South Park, Family Guy, Breaking Bad, Parks and recreation, Rick and Morty, Daredevil
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Forever Changing
Favourite Books
The Illusion of Life, The Animators Survival Kit, The Four Hour Work Week, How to Make Friends and Influence People, Drive, Eat That Frog, Drawn from Life, Force, Theory of Fun
Favourite Games
The Last of Us, Tomb Raider (PS4), GTA V, CoD 4: Modern Warfare, NBA 2k, Madden 2003, Red Dead Redemption, Resident Evil 4, Batman: Arkham Series, God of War, Rogue Squadron, Battlefield 4
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation 4
Tools of the Trade
iMac, Wacom Intuos 3, Cintiq 13HD, HB pencil and a disgustingly handsome smile...BOOM! (drops mic, walks off...)
Other Interests
Games, Animation, Film, Snowboarding, Rugby, Psychology, Podcasts, MTB, Fitness, Travel, Party'n, Surf, Sun and beer (ideally all the last 5 at the same time)