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catrin jacobson
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  • Sweden
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (10)
My Bio

Current Residence: lund, sweden
Favourite genre of music: grunge, rock, classical, whatever
Favourite photographer: my father
Favourite style of art: dark, morbid, fantacy,
Favourite cartoon character: hades
Personal Quote: "who ate my nuts!?"

Favourite Visual Artist
larslerin, ronny hård, rembrandt
Favourite Movies
the shawshank redemption, LotR triology, shindlers list, gladiator, jurassic park 1
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
nirvana, red hot chili peppers, metallica, dylan, cohen
Tools of the Trade
good old pencil
Other Interests
nature, science, art, sowing, woodshop and creative stuff in generall
Well....not really sure what to write...just sort of updating my journal for some reason...only I have nothing interresting to add...Oh, yeah! I´ve forgotten how to draw..thats interresting. and rather inconvenient... I´ve also forgotten how to spell.anyway, I do beg your pardon for this utterly pointless entry.bye!
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0 min read
I must say, this year is turning out a whole lot more pleasant than I anticipated! I´ve finished my bachelor degree thesis in sensory biology (big fat wooho!!) And I this year I was amitted to the program I wanted; journalism. Last year I didn´t and wow did that suck. So...yeah..pretty pleased with myself at the moment. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up my artistic mojo long enough to do some new creations! But we´ll just have to wait and see.anywaybye bye
anonymous's avatar
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I hereby declare myself unfit for basically anything. the most humane thing would be to put me down. I AM an idiot
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Profile Comments 25

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Cuileth's avatar
Nice dragons and nice Snape :)
happy-horse-for-life's avatar
I really enjoyed everything in your gallery!
+Watch/Llama for you :meow:
ZombieisOK's avatar
Love your work!
artedafefe's avatar
loved your gallery! XD
northangel27's avatar
You've been featured here: [link]
StabbitTheRabbit's avatar
Hang in there, kiddo - good things may never really come to good people, but at least take solace in knowing that bad sh*t comes to most people anyways, thus guaranteeing that it will hit ALL the people you hate :D