OC: Jungo the ceetahCopanel-CP on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/copanel-cp/art/OC-Jungo-the-ceetah-378359495Copanel-CP

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OC: Jungo the ceetah



Update note (29/06/2023): After such a long time I got some thoughts and try to redo some details about Jungo and other OCs regarding their lore, now that I know a bit better at least how to do research. I'm gonna do a new reference sheet/post for him.
Name: Jungo
Gender: male
Age: 7 years 
Personality:Friendly, loyal, kind, adventurer, honest

Story:     He was born in one of the last cheetah family groups: The Zambezi Colony.He and his parents were friends with some white European storks,and one of them there was a young stork named Jeremy,when Jungo was young.And Jungo and Jeremy are the best friends since they were young.
      In a summer day Jungo, Jeremy and their parents were travelling in a huge holiday boat where humans are enjoying their time like in a hotel.Suddenly the sky turns grey and it began to rain and the waves are began to hit the boat.The humans ran inside the chambers,but,sadly for Jungo and Jeremy's parents,they fell in water and no body had heard about them.
      Even today they are hoping their parents survived from the incident.

Weird facts:   *unlike the other cheetah, he is an omnivore,but he prefers to eat more fruits and vegetables than meat.The diet makes him to run in a speed of 100 km/h in a longer time than the other cheetahs, and also he can live almost as much as a human.

 *he allows Copanel the penguin to ride on him :)

I was inspired to create this character seven years ago when I was playing the "Jungo" game created by WildFire Games Company.I didn't know the ceetah's name was,in fact, Chase. :)

Painted in Paint Tool SAI

Edit (20.06.2016): I changed a bit the design of this character, so that's why I made a small edit on the picture.
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XelaTheBlueRose's avatar
Desenezi cu mouse-ul sau cu tableta? o: E super tare :)