Zaiden - CC ApplicationCookieKat-Animations on DeviantArt

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Zaiden - CC Application



Name: Zaiden
Birthday: March 22nd
Age: 21 
Species: Sloth
Catchphrase: "Snooore"
Quote: "There wont be any special events for a while, Snooore."

Character Type:

-Personality Traits-
Often gets lost in thought and can easily forget about things.
Observant: He tends to watch others more instead of actually talking to them.
Sleepy: He spends a surprising amount of his free time sleeping the days away.
Carefree: He doesn't care what others think of him, and will just go on with his life.

He was born and raised in a much smaller town. Once he was old enough to move, he decided he wasn't going to stay in such a small and boring town. After all he had already seen everything the town had to offer. At the age of 16 he hopped onto a train, said his goodbyes and left to wherever the train would take him. After hours of traveling he ended up in the town of Lilypad.

The shirt he wears has the band, ROAR's logo on it, he loves their songs. His favorite album by ROAR has to be Pathétique Aesthétique, his favorite song from said album is Afraid.

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Image size
1024x733px 153.56 KB
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