Thank you new sponsor Bellakosa!CookieCorvinus on DeviantArt

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CookieCorvinus's avatar

Thank you new sponsor Bellakosa!



I have a new sponsor, thank you so much Bellakosa for trusting in me!

First thing I'm showing from Bellakosa is a new skin.

✟ BELLAKOSA - Isabel Skin EvoX. This gorgeous skin comes with a lot of extra add-ons - Moles, Cheeks Contour, Eye Contour, Forehead Contour, Eyebags, Eyeliner and Moles. (I'm using them all here.) There is an eyebrows version and without eyebrows (I'm using the eyebrows that comes with the skin.) This skin is compatible with Velour Body skins and comes in 11 Tones (I'm using Blush Tone here.) There is a shape included with eyebrows for Lelutka Milan head, which I'm using here. This is out @ the Miix Event -

Afterwards -

Mainstore -

MP -

✟ Six Feet Under - Progeny Bindi. This is an original mesh item. The texture hud has 9 colours. It has a resizer script and is unrigged.

Available now @ The Soft Era Event -

Mainstore afterwards -

✟ 1990 - Cherrie Set. This is a set of mesh bento nails rigged for Ebody Reborn, Legacy, BBL, Kupra, Maitreya and Peach bodies. They come in a Long Square Shape. This is out @ the Mainstore -

✟ Soliac - The Ugly Rings. This is rigged for Ebody Reborn, Legacy and LaraX. The hud gives you 5 colours. This is a group gift @ the mainstore -

What else I'm wearing -

eyes - Azdesign - Symbol Cross Eyes

hair - Truth - Element

nose/ear chain - BadWolf - Murdered By Love

necklace - Suicidal Unborn - Disaster Choker

tattoo - 1990 - Anime Waifu

pose - PiXit - Anouk

Image size
3577x3708px 1.24 MB
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