
city view

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Little long-haired girl hanging her head out the high-tiered window, being perfectly beautiful. With her long-haired light-brown puppy trying to hang out oh-so beautifully too.   On the street below, Papa man carrying his baby child like a lumpy long package, spongy and careless. Sleeping is little he.  To the right, an electric scooter weaving quickly on by on the sidewalk, nobody minding.  Present too, a cuddly-soft cat perched just-right on a little square fencepost drifting asleep.  Coming slowly is an old-looking plump woman wrapped in a black headscarf holding a smartphone to her head, talking empatically with her other hand.  Down the nearby lane, a lone tough-looking big dog limping along somewhere known.   In the middle of all,  grey and brown city pigeons bathing in a palm-sized puddle at the parkette - across the street from the beautiful little girl in the window.
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