Rhoswen and Brungildaconstantie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/constantie/art/Rhoswen-and-Brungilda-209603138constantie

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Rhoswen and Brungilda



Rhoswen (worgen in human form) and Brungilda (dwarf) are sitting in their new found home, and just had a talk about getting children, a very serious talk... Brungilda ended up getting drunk and agreed to do a one night stand threesome with some lucky gilnean male, so that they can have babies of their own, but they also agreed on adopting a child first, they decided that it should be a draenei girl, i wonder what her name will be...

Im doing some roleplaying with :iconkyletheartist: who playes a draenei shaman named Rune and :iconnielspeterdejong: who playes a worgen warrior named Rhoswen, we play on the EU server Moonglade, if anyone want to join us :)

Rune and Brungilda is study partners, and have been set up by some shaman teachers to learn from each others distinct personalities.
Brungilda has a lesbian relationship with Rhoswen, they just moved into a house at the dwarven city Thelsamar, near the remains of Loch Modan.
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Aaaaah! Good times! ^_^ Also I love that community! :) You have everything there! :D