How to Use These PLZ Accounts

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CommissionsOpen's avatar

These plz accounts were created so that anyone on dA can freely use these icons to display their art status on their profile page.  :)  

Additionally, ALL members of dA can now use the thumb codes for stamps, they're not restricted to just Premium Members anymore! Here's a tutorial on how to use thumb codes/stamps:

Do NOT note any of these accounts to actually ask for a request/trade/commission/etc. for yourself.  The answer is NO.  These are just accounts for people to use the icons.

:bulletpink: :bulletpurple: :bulletblue: :bulletgreen: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink:

- Directions -
Type :icon________: for each plz account icon you want to use, filling the blank with the USERNAME of each plz account,
(e.g. :iconrequestsopen:)

:bulletpink: :bulletpurple: :bulletblue: :bulletgreen: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink:

.: Requests :.
When someone asks you to draw something for them (for free).

:iconrequestsopen: :iconrequestsclosed: :iconrequestfriendsonly: :iconrequestsonhold: :iconrequestsask: :iconnorequests:

.: Trades :.
When you draw something for someone and they draw something for you in return.

:icontradesopen: :icontradesclosed2: :iconarttradesfriendsonly: :icontradesonhold: :icontradesask: :iconnotrades:

.: Collaborations :.
When two or more people work on one piece of art (e.g. one person draws and the other colors).

:iconcollabsopen: :iconcollabsclosed: :iconcollabsfriendsonly: :iconcollabsonhold: :iconcollabsask: :iconnocollabs:

.: Commissions :.
When someone pays you (usually with real money [Paypal or mail]) to draw something for them.

:iconcommissionsopen: :iconcommissionsclosed: :iconcommissionsonhold: :iconcommissionsask: :iconnocommissions:

.: Point Commissions :.
When someone pays you (with dA points) to draw something for them.

:iconpointcommissionsopen: :iconpointcommishesclosed: :iconpointcommishesonhold: :iconpointcommissionsask: :iconnopointcommissions:

.: Gifts :.
When you draw someone something (for free) for their birthday, because they're awesome, etc.

:icongiftsopen: :icongiftsclosed: :icongiftsfriendsonly: :icongiftsonhold: :icongiftsask: :iconnogifts:

.: Kiribans :.
Rewarding people who catch your important pageviews. EXAMPLE:…

:iconkiribansopen: :iconkiribansclosed: :iconkiribansonhold: :iconkiribansask: :iconnokiribans:


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