Comment on dreamflux1's profile

Solanum80's avatar
Hello Tony,
I bought your Sketchbooks at the ECCC 2015 and you did a really great sketch of SHI for me. Now I found you here on DA and just want to say hello. (I´m the german guy with that Robot/Samurai comic "Steel don´t die"). You got a nice gallery here on DA, I like your style.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Robert! 
Glad you took the time to come and find me on here.  Totally remember the robot/samurai comic.  didn't you do that with your brother?

Hope your flight back went well!

Any other conventions in your future?

Tony Moy
Solanum80's avatar
Hi Tony,

thats right, My brother did the coloring and a pin-up. You can find him here on DA under marok-art.deviantart

The Flight back was good, thanks for asking. I rellay enjoyed my visit in Sealltel and especailly the ECCC. Im full of new ideas and startet working on new comic. I will let you know, when I got something showable.

The next convention for me is the RPC in Colongne. It is the biggest convention for Roleplaying Games here in germany, they got a Artist Alley as well, so I´m hoping to sell some of my illustrations and of course some Robot/samurai Comics.

And in Oktober there ist small Comic Con in germany and one in Belgium. But I hope that I will return to states soon. We will see.
