Comment on georgetremarco's profile

Citizen-Cybertron's avatar
Greetings and salutations! :wave:

This generic notice has been submitted to your personal community message board on account of your having exhibited an enviable flare for artistic delivery through use of your gallery space, in conjunction with a presumed affinity (to a certain degree) with the enduring Transformers franchise. :nod: As one might credibly discern from my elected pseudonym, I am something of an unabashed Transfan, myself! :love:

So why the impromptu dissertation, you might well ask? :aww: Simply put, I am seeking to make new acquaintances, through the basis of common interest. ;) With the protracted Hollywood Writer's Strike™ now reportedly brought to an acceptable resolution, production on the Dreamworks picture, "Transformers 2", seems good to go. :boogie: Whether this is a good thing or not, however, remains to be seen... :confused: Which would bring me to my primary contention: upon its much-anticipated theatrical release, I (foolhardily?) instigated a quasi-official discussion thread with regard to public impressions of Michael Bay's take on this beloved premise. :D The forum in question can be conveniently found here: [link]

Please rest assured that one needn't feel compelled to digest the entirety of my long-winded review (I do admittedly comport a tendency to WAFFLE...!). :blahblah: Rather, I'd just like to hear what you may have thought of "Transformers" (the movie, the mythos, the merchandising), what you might conceivably be expecting of "Transformers 2" (hopes, fears, rumours), hell, even just what you might happen to think of "Transformers: Animated", for that matter! :lol: The topic is open for interpretation (within reason), so feel free to swing by and have your say. :ahoy:

Hope to hear from you soon! :excited: