I guess do say I need to ask how do you feel about izuku as a whole you know him lossing his quirk becoming a teacher and doing an iron man thing I am sort of mixed on the matter but I don't hate it or love it on development
I'll be very direct and honest. Izuku Midoriya is a character that I don't like (I don't hate him completely, but I don't like him either).
I already didn't like Izuku even before the end of My Hero Academia (At the beginning of MHA he was my favorite, but after that fight he and Bakugo had with Nine in the movie, I started to lose interest in Midoriya). Is Midoriya a hard-working character? Yes, he is, but he is also a character who was very blessed by the script, having several opportunities to receive training with several Teachers and receiving from the Number 1 Hero One For All and 6 other quirks, in addition to his own intelligence that he has but doesn't use much in battles. If MHA were a universe where everyone else could have more than one quirk in a fair way, I wouldn't have this problem with Midoriya, but only Midoriya and Todoroki are the ones who stand out the most with "multiple quirks," besides All For One and Shigaraki.
What I dislike most about Midoriya is the "position" he took as a character, which is the protagonist. If Midoriya were a secondary character, he would even fit the role better and maybe I could like him more, but as a protagonist... for me it doesn't work. I already dislike Naruto Uzumaki, because Naruto and Izuku have the same kind of "Talk no Jutsu" idealism to stop a f*cking WAR in order to want to save GENOCIDERS. I can understand the good intentions of these two protagonists, I have no problem with the idea of still trying to save the villain, but in my opinion, I think they should have tried to do it BEFORE or AFTER the War and not DURING (it should have been something similar to that meeting that Eren had with Armin and Mikasa, before the Rumble in Attack on Titan, that was the last chance for Armin and Mikasa to convince Eren. And that's what should happen in some Shounens, what's missing is more of a sense of realism, because not everything in life can be solved with pretty words). It's because of these types of choices that Naruto and Izuku make that ended up costing the lives of many in these Wars and generating several consequences. Naruto, for example, was so obsessed with "saving Sasuke" throughout the anime that he ended up not training properly and not trying to resolve the political issues of Konoha and the Elemental Nations from an early age, even Sasuke himself told Naruto to stop going after him and try to train to be Hokage, and yes, in my point of view Sasuke was right. Pain's invasion of Konoha took Naruto by surprise, Naruto was only lucky because the script had him use the "Talk no Jutsu" to convert Nagato and make Nagato resurrect almost everyone, but it didn't bring back Jiraiya. However, this "Talk no Jutsu" would be of no use in the battles against Kaguya, Toneri, Momoshiki, Kinchiki, Urashiki, Isshiki and the rest of Kara. If Naruto had trained non-stop so he wouldn't have to depend on Kurama and tried to investigate more deeply about the secrets of his own Clan, maybe he could have mastered jutsus like Shiki Fujin and maybe learned to master the Shinigami and investigate the use of the Uzumaki Temple masks.
With Izuku, the situation is quite similar, because he was so focused on saving Shigaraki he was technically responsible for making Eri damage her quirk to heal his arms, making the girl become a CIVILIAN years later and all of this was for nothing, because Shigaraki was going to die anyway because of the rewind effect that he and All For One were suffering. In addition to many other deaths of heroes who died fighting in these 1st and 2nd parts of the War (like Midnight).
So you see that I'm not against the idea of saving a villain (I'm just against the way this idea is applied DURING war/battle). One day I want to do an AU where Phoenix Wright saves Dahlia Hawthorne BEFORE she dies and the events of The Bridge to the Turnabout occur. But the way he will save her is more with wisdom and logic. He will give her one last chance and will not show weakness to fall for the mind games she will try to play with him, and if she refuses or tries to make some joke, it will be the end for her. And besides, Phoenix will still say that Dahlia needs to continue paying for her crimes and compensate all the families of the loved ones whose lives she took. So Phoenix's goal in my future AU is to try to save Dahlia from the Death Penalty and appeal to the Judge to give her a Life Sentence at the very least, with Phoenix having the chance to visit her always in prison.
I'm not against even the idea of "Hiroki saving Nao" (from the Kokujin no Tenkousei NTR Hentai Doujin), but only BEFORE Nao and Kokujin have a relationship, or AFTER Nao has gone through the punishment and consequences of her bad actions. The punishment and retribution should still exist. It's one of the reasons why I don't like Rem from Re:Zero, because Subaru forgave her too quickly and still got involved in a romance with the assassin who killed and tortured him mercilessly.
Therefore, out of respect for those who like Izuku or Naruto, I prefer to avoid talking about the two and how I feel about them. But honestly, I don't like these characters. And what increases my dislike for them even more is their own Fandom. Especially the NaruHarem or DekuHarem Fandom. I have no problem with their Harem, but my problem is the way Naruto and Midoriya behave in these AUs invented by the Fandom, which often end up making the two characters stray far from what they canonically are, turning them into a complete Self Insert. And it's even worse when they start treating other characters like trash. Naruto humiliating and mistreating Sakura, adopting the punishment of "bashing" in fanfictions, the same goes for Izuku doing this to Mineta. I can even understand that Sakura and Mineta have many flaws, but they are still human, and Naruto and Izuku are not saints to judge Sakura and Mineta.
But I believe that Izuku and Naruto DO have a chance to improve in certain AUs and become better people. I like AUs that make them improve as characters, but when it comes to their canon versions and other versions of them in other AUs where their personality is very OOC and strays far from canon, then I end up not liking it.
And how do you feel about the omnitrix au's and the undertale ones considering theres so many even small ones impossible to count them all how do you feel about them popping up
Well, for me, in my headcanon, there are only two AUs so far: Carnitrix (Alien Genocide Horror) and Chaquetrix (Human-Alien Love), because they are the most... "creative" and "original" AUs, so to speak. Bloodtrix is an AU with a concept somewhat similar to Carnitrix, both are Dark and Horror, but in the case of Bloodtrix it can even be considered an average AU due to it being one (Alien Cannibalism Horror).
But now, other AUs like "Charnitrix," "Lovetrix," etc... I think........ a bit "unnecessary" and some don't have as much "creativity." For example, Charnitrix is blatantly a "Ctrl C and Ctrl V" of Carnitrix and Chaquetrix, there is no significant "change" in the universe or in the functioning of the clock. This is why the Chaquetrix, Carnitrix and Bloodtrix AUs are still the 3 most famous and favorite on the internet.
hmm well thanks for answering and quite frank for my first question agree also for the trix true but there fun to see somewhat thanks for answering me
Simply put, the reason why I don't really like Midoriya and Naruto as protagonists is because they are idealistic and dreamy characters, and I like and prefer characters who are realistic and logical more. That's the best explanation. And as for the Omnitrix, I find the other universes besides the ones I mentioned funny as well in terms of comedy, but in terms of story and narrative they are a bit unnecessary.
true that besides there overrated at this point i like them but its to much at times while others are forgotten so i can see your approach besides for the omnitrix true but you got to admit some designs for most trix worlds looks great on what they do its great
Yes. Most of them have excellent creativity in design, the only problem is the script itself, which is a bit "repetitive." If the script were different, with a different story, I'm sure these universes would receive more focus from people.