BandwidthLimitation's avatar

very long time no speak, considering you posted this in july!! i havent been on DA for so long! need to get back into it!

did you get the lomo? I would love an LC-A they do take fantastic photograhs, but today i was eying up the fisheye and the holga. AHH cameras and talking of those..of was snooping round a charity shop today and am now the owner of a polaroid camera and a flash gun for my canon for the price of £2!!

How are you anyway, we need to catch up! xx
Archeopterix's avatar
Yeh madness!
I havent been on here in ages tbf
I got the lil 4 shot action sampler and an insane chinese thing called an orbit which is thoroughly mad P:

I should do the charity shop shuffle sometime- still settlin in to uni atm though

we should! Hows Aber? My Rosa goes there now- doing fine art...
BandwidthLimitation's avatar
Ahh the actionsampler is awesome! Whats an orbit?

She goes to Aber!! No waaay! I presume you will come and MUST get in touch with me and we can meets up and whatnot! But yeah Aber is awesome and my second year is going quite quite well.

Where are you for Uni now, what are you doing?

Archeopterix's avatar
An Orbit is an insane chinese thing with 2 veiwfinders and a motor driven windon/rewind mechanism- its as mad as an eel eating its own face :o

Yep she does and i will be visiting at somepoint- shes just visited here so wont be untill next month maybe- but I'll deff give you a message when I'm going up- is your mobile still workable? I have a number for you but think it may be out of date...

I'm at uni in Bath doing Art+Creative writing combined degree, its going well so far but is loads of work :(