zombiekittiesrock's avatar
I'm glad you got better! D= That sucks that it was one after the other man ;akdj;lk But I think it's a stomach sickness. My head is fine, despite the nose and mouth, but my stomach and throat is just like. . .

kicking me every chance it gets.
PoisnousPixie's avatar
Oh yikes, that sucks! I hate when it's my stomach being whiney. Hopefully you're feeling better by now?

I got horribly distracted by the terror that is thanksgiving XD Sorry I've taken so long to respond.
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
Yeah, I'm feeling much better now o u o

And oh god, Thanksgiving was. . Just. I can't even lol It's ok though :3
PoisnousPixie's avatar
I'd rather not think of Thanksgiving XD Holidays and I, we don't get along in the least.

Are you doing anything for christmas fandomwise? >< I found 'secret santa' things on Tumblr and now it's taking everything I have not to sign up on all of them XD I'm even helping run one. Though really, Spain is doing most of it... I'm such a deadbeat partner in crime XD
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
I'm not really doing anything for Christmas fandomwise, not to my knowledge at least. Maybe in the group I'm in, but I don't know yet lol.

Aaaa Spain o u o The Spain from HiN? I miss Spain, such a good Spain. . It's ok to be that partner in crime though, that's how I am sometimes. ;3
PoisnousPixie's avatar
Probably for the best, I almost wish I wasn't doing anything XD It's so hard to come up with prompts, maaaan.

And yeah~ ^^ She is a very good Spain. Though she only ever plays Canada with me XD It's amazing how many variations we have on them...

I tried looking here on deviantart, but I wasn't able to find anything in any of the groups I'm in... ;~;
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
Wasn't able to find what? :O Sorry, I'm having derp moments again lol
PoisnousPixie's avatar
XD Secret Santas. Once that were open and up and running. (though it's for the best, I'm in three as it is, and haven't really... worked on any of them yet ><)
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