zombiekittiesrock's avatar
How are you? <333 o u o
PoisnousPixie's avatar
I'm doing alright, how've you beeeeeeen?
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
Good for the most part, think I'm getting sick tho o n o
PoisnousPixie's avatar
Awww! That's not good. I just got over two colds (that hit one right after the other ><), hopefully it'll pass. Being sick suuucks.
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
I'm glad you got better! D= That sucks that it was one after the other man ;akdj;lk But I think it's a stomach sickness. My head is fine, despite the nose and mouth, but my stomach and throat is just like. . .

kicking me every chance it gets.
PoisnousPixie's avatar
Oh yikes, that sucks! I hate when it's my stomach being whiney. Hopefully you're feeling better by now?

I got horribly distracted by the terror that is thanksgiving XD Sorry I've taken so long to respond.
zombiekittiesrock's avatar
Yeah, I'm feeling much better now o u o

And oh god, Thanksgiving was. . Just. I can't even lol It's ok though :3
PoisnousPixie's avatar
I'd rather not think of Thanksgiving XD Holidays and I, we don't get along in the least.

Are you doing anything for christmas fandomwise? >< I found 'secret santa' things on Tumblr and now it's taking everything I have not to sign up on all of them XD I'm even helping run one. Though really, Spain is doing most of it... I'm such a deadbeat partner in crime XD
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