Comment on Fightingklaus's profile

HeyThereMakayla's avatar

Hey there Fightingklaus!

I hope you and Marion are doing well. :)

Thank You very much for the nice question about me and Marion. There is nothing good about us to say, cause she wants to divorce me and I myself have bad health, so thar I

can't walk good with my leg injury and also I'm rather going blind meanwhile. That's the reason why I couldn't visit Your awesome gallery anymore, like in the years before. Whilst I hope, that it will be better in the future, leg and eye surgery and so on, I hope, You're doing well instead. As soon as I'm going better, I'll visit Makayla and all the others, who I missed a long while. My brother typed this answer for me cause I can't really do it anymore. All good and have a nice time. Hey there Makayla, I'm coming back asap.

HeyThereMakayla's avatar

I'm sorry to hear that things are not going well in your life.

Please take very good care of yourself and I hope you get back on your feet as soon as possible.

Best wishes, Fightingklaus.

I really wanna thank You for the nice wishes for better health in the next future. We in Germany used to say, that weeds don't go away so quickly. Till then all good from a ded

dedicated follower of Makayla.

HeyThereMakayla's avatar

Take all the time you need. Your health is much more important and my stories and artwork can wait.

Hey there Makayla, I hope, to come back to DA in a while. I have for short time the access for DA by my brother in law. I don't know,if I will be back as Fightingklaus or under a new name. Good greatings to my crush Makayla of course, cause I just can't wait, to see her again and upload all my vanished pictures again.

HeyThereMakayla's avatar

Glad to hear that and good to hear from you again, FightingKlaus!

Makayla and I will be here whenever you're ready to return. :)

Thank You for the kind reasuring words. Well I'm on my way, to fight against all odds and ends, to get back to DA. Only I don't know, under which name. So have a precious time, til we meet again.

As soon I'm gonna be better, I wanna Makayla and her gang from the Inner Earth Boxing league, so til then and all good to You all.

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