Comment on S0daK0da-N0ra's profile

S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
New Avatar, OKAPI TIEM by rosychan PLEASE REPLY TO THIS COMMENT New Avatar, OKAPI TIEM by rosychan 

+do not thank me for the fav/watch
+you can talk to me whenever you want
+don't start some argument war with me 
+you can come to rant or vent to me, I will gladly try to help you but I won't say I will be much help
+don't ask me some personal stuff to me
+I won't do role-play unless you're someone I already role-played with

request: closed
art trade: closed
commission: open
collabs: closed
gift: if I want
if you ask for any of the above when it's closed two times you WILL be blocked


I will fucking shoot you with my love

S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
I'll do it first ha
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Hush now child I will destroy you with love first
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Loon--FFoon's avatar
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
I'm not sure what that means but it sounds like a compliment so thank you!!
ZeyadWeAhmedRezk's avatar
Well, Hey There Mate! I Just Wanted To Say That The First Time I Saw One Of Your FNAF Arts, Fav Them, They're Awesomely, Beautiful, Sweet And Totally Lovely! And I Have Watched You Just Like The Deviants. Keep Up Of Drawing Your FNAF Drawings! I Can't Wait To See More Of Them, I Love It! ^ω^
Coco-Productions's avatar
Can you send me one of ur OCs-??? Plz and thanks 💜💜
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar…
gchjh here's the folder with most of them-
Paladin360's avatar
Happy birthday (/^v^)/ 
Paladin360's avatar
You're welcome \(^w^)/ Wheesh (/^v^)/
RanchBerryCrunch's avatar
GlitchedP1ayer28's avatar
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
It was pretty good! Thanks for asking
octobergirl13's avatar
Happy birthday!!!
octobergirl13's avatar
Igrisa's avatar
Happy Birthday!
BreakfastCrite's avatar
Hey! Happy bday!!!
DonOgeIsHere's avatar
madnessfoxywolf's avatar
Happy birthday or not?
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
yes? i mean, yea it's my birthday
madnessfoxywolf's avatar
madnessfoxywolf's avatar
Happy birthday or not?
Novaxii120's avatar
Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful time!!
Novaxii120's avatar
You’re very welcome!! <33
TheMagnificentDemete's avatar
Bon anniversaire en avance ! ^^
Je risque d'oublier demain, avec ma mémoire défaillante lol
Alors- voilà :D
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Merci beaucoup !!
TheMagnificentDemete's avatar
Mais, pas de problème uwu
zerejel's avatar
Hello! I don't if you still can remember me, but I still remember you- I remembered you from a Secret Santa event that was held here in DA last Year ago, I wanted to tell you a happy birthday greetings as well but I read from your Status update that your not much happy about it, for me just do what makes you okay- I hope you would take care at least, have a good day! 🥳🙂🎂
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Hi!! Yes!! I do remember you! It's been a while Holy shit
And thank you so much!! Yea I'm kinda dreading my birthday but I'm hoping that the stuff that will happen during it will make me feel better or just at leaste let me enjoy it : )
Anyways thanks for those kinds words!
zerejel's avatar
We hope for the best, your welcome though! <3
ScarletInkPhoenix's avatar
Hello! Nice to see you again!
I see you’ve improved!
Nice job! Bye!
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
ScarletInkPhoenix's avatar
Nein281's avatar
how you doin owo
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
I'm doin pretty good! And you?
Nein281's avatar
im doing good aswell!
last night i fucking dreamed about we're being together aaaaaaaaaaa
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Lmao again? Man I wish those weren't just dreams
Nein281's avatar
wanna talk about it on notes?
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shadowtails2727's avatar
Not gonna lie, you don't get that much fanart or gifts from people. 
I will change that >: )
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Bro no what the shit You don't have to : (
I mean thanks! But like really you don't have to broski
TheMagnificentDemete's avatar
Can I just tell you-
That you are, for your age, one of the most talented artist I know
Just wanted to say that uwu
Have a nice day !
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Holy shit Tysm dude ;____;
TheMagnificentDemete's avatar
You are very welcome friend ^^
I’m just speaking my mind there
Cookie-Chocoladka's avatar
Hello! ^^ I know you're inactive for some reasons, but I wanted to check on you and ask.. How're you doing?
Take your time to reply though!
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Hey! Yea I went on a break lol
I guess I'm fine, I'm kinda pissed and dreading Sunday lol but other than that I'm okay
Cookie-Chocoladka's avatar
I read description of your newest drawing, you've been taking time for real life... I see, that's good to do! Taking a breaks from social medias are often refreshing. I hope you're doing ok there at this times. <3
... And... I hope the situation you're in will get better. ;~;"

Aaalso I don't I will be able to comment on this post of yours but... I want to say at least that woah you put so many characters, such interactions, expressions, it all looks so lively and good! :0 And I like the light in coloring...
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Yeah thanks!!
I hope so too

That's really nice!! Thanks <33
DRoseDRose's avatar
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
So we back in the mine
Charlotte-Drawws's avatar
Heyo, I accidentally I watched you while cleaning some watchers I had, and I have to say, you really have improved a lot since the April-May Times. Keep up the great work!
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Aaaaa thank you very much!!
ratkii's avatar
Woah !!! You have amazing art !! keep up the great work :0
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Aaaa thank you so much!!!
ratkii's avatar
Aaa you're welcome <3 !!!
BL00DY-STR3AM's avatar
You're,,, a good hoe

Take my goddamn love 😭
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Oh my shit thanks broski ;___;
BL00DY-STR3AM's avatar
No problem broski ;^;
MauveNights's avatar
hey koda can I make some designs for personified subreddits based mainly on your reddit design-
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Dhvdhdvsh yea sure go ahead oof
Annimoose's avatar
Hey, Koda! I'm REALLY curious to know if Art Fight has been down for you today? Mine had been down almost all day. It was either very slow or just pops up with and error page. Has that been happening to you?  
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
It was the same for me too
Annimoose's avatar
FnafcatUT's avatar
Okay, okay
So I came to your page to, ya know, spam you with favs-
This wasn't my most successful spam run, but maybe next time?
Holy shit you should have seen it though- like 20 things from the same person

I feel so bad for spam, but so good cause the art is like amazing af-
Oh wait, is this considered starting an argument with or something like that?
XD I'm just kiddin
FoxconDoodles's avatar
Hello your artwork is beautiful have a nice day ^^
Azzy-Adopts's avatar
Ur art is adorbs!!
Azzy-Adopts's avatar
Novaxii120's avatar
LOVE the new name XD
so fabulous~ XD
RanchBerryCrunch's avatar
0w0 i like your new name!
RanchBerryCrunch's avatar
I have an idea for the next humanization or whatever. You can do chromium which is basically a dark gray chrome and it gives you a ton of viruses

it would be a cool idea to see it
daisam's avatar
Thank you for the favorite!!!
SkipperToo's avatar
Hello, I am new here.
Cookie-Chocoladka's avatar
Hi, Nonora! I feel sorry to see you feeling bad, and.. Wanted to draw you something. I'm really sorry that it's so small, it's late for me so I rushed, but I cannot leave you without it.
Here it is:
S0daK0da-N0ra's avatar
Awwwwww thank you so much cookie!
You really didn't have too <3
Cookie-Chocoladka's avatar
But I very wanted, I wanted to do something beside words. :'>
Can I know how're you today, also? Maybe you need to talk to anyone..?