Comment on Sakura-Jones's profile

StaleTales's avatar

You know I've been watching a lot of old school beavis and butthead episodes and seeing your artwork has inspired me to work on my own Beavis and Butthead artwork ^^

Sakura-Jones's avatar

Nawww, thx for your kind words. x3~

Its a huge compliment for me to know

that my artworks inspiring people to do some too,aye.*_*

Thx for that x3~~

StaleTales's avatar

No problem friend ^^ , here's a few sketches of some of some Beavis and Butthead characters I did today, if you're interested in seeing^^ (Including Daria and King of the Hill characters^^)

All will featured in my version^^

20210616 143810
20210617 164614
Sakura-Jones's avatar

Looks pretty well,aye. x3~

StaleTales's avatar

Thank you so much^^

Well hopefully the finished product will look better ^^