Comment on ForkDork's profile

Kally97's avatar

I spell things how they sound lmao

I was just looking into it and the first myo is free....

And my mind likes free

ForkDork's avatar

hahah well its very expensive if you ever want more myo's or breeding tickets, but is fun

Kally97's avatar

Like money???

ForkDork's avatar

yes, money it costs more if you buy it with points

Kally97's avatar

Ooof.....I'm very poor

ForkDork's avatar

Well you'll get the 1 free myo and 1 free breeding

am poor as well but I tend to do comms for friends for items

Kally97's avatar

fun fun.....for how I can get i couldn't spend that much time on it lol

ForkDork's avatar

efdsa i don't want to make fun of your grammar but its very hard for me to understand what you're saying am sorry. However I hope i deciphered this right, but right your saying you cant imagine spending that much time in the group with how little you can get??? Discord Emoji - Thinking

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