Hi! I'm here with the OCT critique task*v*
Seth felt like a very real character. I appreciated that he acted his age (which is sadly uncommon among fantasy YA protagonists). I was able to clearly see that he is at a transition point between childhood and adulthood in his tasks; able to act independently but still in need of parental guidence and support (good thing he has Roc!...sorry Brad...). I have a nephew who is 12 and I can totally see him reacting to things in a similar manner as Seth so nice work on making things realistic!
That said, despite following all of his tasks, I still don't feel like I know Seth as well as I would like. Like, I think there's some missing context to his story and character that you may have explained in earlier rounds through other characters but did not reiterate in this round. I found myself struggling at times to make sense of the story timeline and world and I think it might have been helpful to include maybe a little paragraph in his profile explaining the world the story takes place in and maybe a bit more about his mother and her strange absence throughout his other tasks.
Seth's Guess Who, Anger, and Fear tasks were all exemplary portrayals of how mood and color palette can really lend themself to a piece. I love that you went beyond basic cell shading in these tasks to really give us a feel for the vibes of the story that you are creating here. Often times, writers with artistic abilities can make the mistake of writing a story and then just drawing pictures to go along with it without considering that art is also a form of storytelling and every element used in a piece should work together to promote the story you are trying to tell.
In the anger task in particular, the gnarly tree roots, scratchy lines, thick shading of pure black, placing of the ravens, glowing windows, and the illumination of the streetlamp was just an absolute storytelling masterpiece! It really pushed the urban dark fantasy vibes of your story. I am absolutely in love with that piece.
I would encourage you to really hone in on those artistic storytelling elements for future artworks in this story world and keep sharpening your basics such as anotomy, color theory, and perspective.
Totally feel free to reply to me with any questions you have if you find anything in this critique confusing or unclear or would like me to further expound upon something I said:)