Comment on YuukiDBZ's profile

YuukiDBZ's avatar
I was awfully busy the last two month to set things up for an art show I’m participating in (my first). Last weekend was the opening and now I can breathe again. I was so nervous about it, but people liked my drawings and prints and it was a great experience.

How are you doing? :)
cowcat44's avatar
Oooh an art show, what a big deal. Congratulations, that's exciting!!:clap: What type of art did you sell?
I'm ok, just drawing mpreg/yaoi stuff as usual.
YuukiDBZ's avatar
What type of art? I mostly draw urban, everyday scenes from the city where I live in (for example people enjoying the sun in the park) and I just use pencil, pen and watercolors. And I did some printmaking (silkscreen, lithography), but that’s not so easy for me to do, because I have to go to a workshop for that.

Glad your ok. And your mpreg/yaoi art is always so beautiful and well done :).
Sorry for not commenting more often.
cowcat44's avatar
Watercolor, ooooh nice, props for that. Yeah, I've heard silk screening is a bit difficult.
Again a big congrats!
Thanks, don't even worry about it, you go more exciting things to do:excited: