Comment on 0tt0maton's profile

0tt0maton's avatar
Lmao were both Canadian too
Azueme's avatar
Hahaha I live in Alberta land! You? 
I swear if you do too- that would be amazing! x'D
0tt0maton's avatar
I used to live in drumheller actually!!

I live in western bc now
Azueme's avatar
AW YEA dinotown!! I have no been there in a while but always enjoyed the countless dino statues!
As for BC, It's so cice out there! But expensive ;A; 
If I could afford it I'd move to BC! I'm in Calgary! 
0tt0maton's avatar
Im lucky I can board with my parents while attending school here I c9uldn5 imagine being able to pay for both ahhh
Plus the job market for what I want to do is here so that's a another reason to stay

I do miss Alberta tho so pretty ahh