Comment on luXanSnake's profile

NotAGoodUsername360's avatar
Lol, true.

Also, I found something interesting: apparently, one of Metatron's alternate names is "Chasdiel", which sounds an awful lot like Kasfiel when you pronounce it... and Motocon sounds similar to Metatron... hmmm... >_>
luXanSnake's avatar
Maybe if we change the name Kasfiel so we can pronounce it different but still representing the same demon?

I don't know man you're supposed to be the good at this.
NotAGoodUsername360's avatar
Kazfiel is an ANGEL, not a demon. So is Metatron, btw. >_>

And its Joel's descision, not ours, lol.

Another possible name? Azrael, the angel of Death.
luXanSnake's avatar

King Amdusias [link]