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Sunnybrook1's avatar

Time really flies, huh? :floating:

And I haven't sat down & made a full set of wings in a while either, so things are probably different than I remember. My last set was around 3 years ago, materials $300+ and time spent 45-50 hours (cause I work meticulous & slow, I guess).

I'm not doing commissions right now, if that's what you were asking, though I know a few folks who make/sell wings, maybe I should make a page to list them on for folks who are considering the same...

TheDollMasterstories's avatar
 if you have time and it is possible a list like that would be fantastic

Thanks again
TheDollMasterstories's avatar
I saw the $300 price first and was like HOLY $HIT....
then it dawned on me that I just spent over $200 on this costume
So $300 for materials isn't bad for wings that look as good as you make them
I was thinking that adding wings would make mine too so much freakier

I unfortunately had to buy everything separate
Dragon feet 40
Hairy monster hands 40
Black death robe 80

then about 2 hours hand coloring the green dragon feet silver (they really resemble bird feet)
plus I need to make what I bought for a robe look similar to that picture

I'm sure ill have a few questions to ask once I start my wings, hopefully you will be around to answer