Comment on HikariM's profile

azureflame62's avatar
Omaigawsh. Its been like...5 months, I didnt think you'd reply. xD Those comics are genius. I started reading them when I was like...12.
HikariM's avatar
Amazing. Have you found Suigi on dA? Cauz I know he posts his hand-drawn stuff on there.
He has big plot ideas lined up for the future. As soon as Dave gets finished that goddamned animation.
azureflame62's avatar
Ya, I think Ive seen his dA a few months ago. And what animation?
HikariM's avatar
Oh, some thing he was supposed to do for the 100th comic or so, but it never got finished in time so he just plowed ahead.

I think I was the voice of leech or whatevs.

Hah, and sorry it took so long to reply; freakin school.
azureflame62's avatar
Oh cool.
And thats fine. I totally understand.

Friggen school. :iconnotimpressedplz: