Omg!! Tormod!! Long time to no seee ; u ; I'm really happy to hear from you again and that you're doing well!^^ Pfffft and don't worry girl, you're not old. xD That would mean I'm even older lul Hahaha just kidding around! But I agree aaaaa Those were such interesting times themselves. ; u ; It's interesting to look back and see where we are now, how all our experiences shape, change, or however they affect us. Most of us from the FE Ask community are actually in a discord group currently! Also this is no pressure at all (100% honest here don't worry!) but would you like to join us? :> If so, we can note each other our discords and move from there~
Wowie thooooo it's nice to hear from you again! I hope things continue to go well for you ; v ;