Comment on bluearrouw's profile

smilealittlebitmore's avatar

Hi😃 thx for watching me. If you want you can make a suggestion for something you would like to see and I'll see what I can do

bluearrouw's avatar

Sure, you can do a remake of one of my works in your style, respecting the character design 😉

smilealittlebitmore's avatar

No problem can you give me the names and the shows they are from. Btw If I compleet the artwork Ill ofcourse put a link to your page in the description

bluearrouw's avatar

Sure, my stage name is "BLUE ARROW" and each of the images are made in Adobe Illustrator, you are free to choose any image from my repertoire, each character has its name

smilealittlebitmore's avatar

You misunderstand me I need to know the show titels so I can make them easier