Dreamer2Dusk's avatar

lol I have too many characters, but not enough people tagging me

MaliceInTheAbyss's avatar

Uhhhhh, in that case.  TAG!!!!  YOU'RE IT!!!!!!  Do AZLIN!!!!!!!!!

MaliceInTheAbyss's avatar

Dang it!  Uh, maybe... Elias?

Dreamer2Dusk's avatar

sure, and have you heard they are making a 4th movie with a new set of characters but Uma will be in it.

MaliceInTheAbyss's avatar

I did not hear that!  Did you hear that they took down the Descendants app?  It was a fun game...

Dreamer2Dusk's avatar

I never got into the apps so, nope

MaliceInTheAbyss's avatar

It was good.  You got to design a character and go to the school and do adventure junk.