Thatguy4720's avatar
Sure. I could RP now, too, if you wanted. I'm really not doing all too much. Just gonna go hunt me a Rathalos.
WingVinnieCustom's avatar
Okay then. So who do you have for use in RPs and what kind of species are they?
Thatguy4720's avatar
Currently, I have a few AvP OCs, but they're all human. And then there's Leif, who is an OC of mine that's technically human, but what he really is, nobody including me knows.
Thatguy4720's avatar
So of the AvP characters that you'd probably want to RP with, there's Wulfgang (Wolf) and Zeno. Wulfgang is an ex-mercenary with a generally calm demeanor. Zeno used to work for Weyland-Yutani, but recent events have caused him to work with Wolf against them.
WingVinnieCustom's avatar
Okay then. Wulfgang.
Thatguy4720's avatar
So, we gonna RP here or notes?
WingVinnieCustom's avatar