PuddingValkyrie's avatar
Seems good so far! There are a few grammatical/spelling errors in the first pages.. if you want me to point them out, please say.

As for this page:

'when your alive' should be 'when you're alive' - remember, your is possessive.

you seem to have some words missing on the panel with their dad saying what times they should take.

when Sarah thinks 'He didn't know Glen's in univerity' I feel like there's either a question mark missing or you need to phrase it differently. But I'm not sure what exactly you want to say there. Is she surprised that he doesn't know? Or is it a mere fact, like he never pays attention to this stuff?
MageBunnyTheGreat's avatar
and yeah point them out, i'm terrible when writing, on computer is easier for me! i normal have a friend do it for me, but i just finished school and don't see her
PuddingValkyrie's avatar
No problem =3 It's what I do X3
MageBunnyTheGreat's avatar
okay fixed that one i think