IBlodyXI's avatar
Do you still draw with your mouse or... did you get a drawing tablet, don't remember *please don't judge meee*
Lime0Lime's avatar
xD Errr. I still draw with my mouse aha.
u_u I will not judge you.~
IBlodyXI's avatar
still can't understand how u do it ._.
Lime0Lime's avatar
mehh. You can do the same thing with a mouse too you know c:
I mean thank you I guess.
and i love the way you drew your OC (;
IBlodyXI's avatar
which one of my OCs? and thanks :tighthug:
Lime0Lime's avatar
Xeadas Deamonsdread :meow: you're welcomee
IBlodyXI's avatar
I personally prefer Aaron x)