Muirin007's avatar
Thank you so much! I'm glad you caught the vein-y aspect of it--I wanted it to look very anatomical, if that makes any sense at all. And I always pictured Erik's veins being very visible through his skin just because, you know, apparently he isn't ugly enough, so I have to make it worse. :lol:

I did want to make the cartilage crooked, only because no face is perfectly symmetrical. The title is probably misleading, now that I think about it, but I just had the poem in mind because the portrait is a straight-on view of Erik which is "symmetrical" in a sense. Or more like he's so hideous that it's a sort of "fearful symmetry:" almost like, "How can something that awful actually exist?"

Thank you again! Ha, man, I wonder what the photographer would have to do to get Erik to sit still long enough.
The-Ipod-Alchemist's avatar
Well with that sneer, or start of an evil smirk, I can't tell,I might think he's being enticed by the thought of having Christine to himself for a day? :iconheheplz: