lupalover101's avatar
wow amazing tutorial. i will now attempt to draw my own fox character lol, the problem is the head always ends up looking like a wolf.... heeelllllpppp mmmmeeee
DarkHolyMagic's avatar
Thanks, but this is actually REALLY outdated and doesn't actually look like a fox now that I look back on it o3o;;

Well the main difference between fox and wolf heads would be that a fox has a larger forehead. A fox also has a slightly narrower snout. [link] <Look at that photo. It is quite hard to make them not look the same, but it's all just in practise. I could do another, slightly more anatomically correct tutorial, if you would like? It might be a while but I'll try get it done before Christmas?
lupalover101's avatar
i wuld love you with a passion if u did lol, i've tried that as well with the picture but now it looks like some strange canine head that has nothing to do with what i wanted. 0.o lulz, thanks for the feedback!
DarkHolyMagic's avatar
No problem! Fox heads are reeaaallly hard to draw, lol XD
lupalover101's avatar
i know!!! my little sister asked me if i was drawing our dog... lol, another question though, you wouldn't know how to draw tiger heads would you?
DarkHolyMagic's avatar
Err... sorry, I don't o3o;; It's been a while since I've drawn an animal, I really have to start again x
lupalover101's avatar
ahahaha its all good just a question. i still appreciate u though lol