The Moonbloods will rise againcommanderhavoc on DeviantArt

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commanderhavoc's avatar

The Moonbloods will rise again



"Me and Sanjin were supposed to investigate reports of attacks on several of our Moonblood brethern near the Everdawn Basin, where Dust, the legendary Sen-Mithrarin, had managed to defeat General Gaius.
As it has turned out, the attacks are being done by mercenaries hired by the mad king that Gaius served under, seems the crazy old fool still intends to wipe us out and now we've been cornered by them. I look over at Sanjin, ever since the victory at the Basin, he's grown into a fine engineer, he even has modified his pike to have a wrench at one end so that he always has a tool on hand, plus it works really well as a weapon too. And his body has gotten considerably stronger too thanks to the battles he's been involved in along with all the heavy lifting that he has had to do. Me? I'm a Moonblood sharpshooter, these two pistols I wield are magically enhanced with a bit of our magic to make them more powerful and they have not let me down yet. Sanjin looks at me with a confident smile and says "Ready for this, brother?" and I look back at him with a smirk as I reply "As always, Sanjin, as always.", we've both been in situations like this plenty of times and this one is no different, although the mercenaries seem overconfident in themselves, calling us small and weak lizards that they'll squash and get paid handsomely for doing so. Again, I smirk as I raise one of my pistols and pull the trigger, the battle is on."
A wonderful color commission done by :iconatmanryu: of me as a Moonblood from Dust: An Elysian Tail fighting alongside another Moonblood by the name of Sanjin. :)
Now I'm gonna do a bit of advertising for him as he is currently open for commissions and he's in need of money because of things not going so well for him.
Even if you can't buy a commission from him, you can still help him by buying him a Ko-fi, even that can help him in the long run along with spreading the word, he's made a journal entry with links to both his commission prices and his Ko-fi page on FA:…
He is honestly a great guy and he needs everyone's help, again even just spreading the word around to other people that might be interested in his art can also help.
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1650x1275px 1.46 MB
© 2017 - 2025 commanderhavoc
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MonstersMenagerie's avatar
A new form? Cool!! :D