Hey Guys,
I am in the process of reaching out to a few artist who's work caught my eye. We are preparing to pitch a comic that has great potential and a very unique marketing campaign. Our goal is to find someone as passionate and creative as we are to help bring the story to life to aid in a pitch. We are looking to get a story board together that would showcase the universe and the main overview to get the point across and only taking select submissions at the time.
I believe, and have been getting great feedback, that this story is unique and has interesting elements. We are still roughing out the edges to make it air tight but have a few big comic companies we are almost ready to pitch to. We also have a killer social media team and game developers on standby to create mobile games to go along with the launch when we get to that point.
In May we are scheduled to go meet with Stan Lee and a few other big names and publishers in the industry at an event in May so im hoping to have something by then to promote and push the universe. (That wasn't the original plan but it just came up this week so im gonna capitalize on this opportunity, we still have other pitches lined up for after)
I will be taking in submissions all month, if you have any interest please feel free to shoot me a message. Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you.