Hey Everyone.
My lack of content has more than likely been noticed by many. At first, it was just supposed to be a break. It ended up being, more than just a break. At first, I just needed time away, and then I just felt like I didn't want to continue posting. I haven't been on DeviantArt in at least a year, let alone actually posting. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long, and I'm surprised that so many of you still seem to actually care about me.
No, I'm not actually coming back to DA. Its just too much for me, and no longer enjoyable to post on. But, I'm not vanishing forever. Actually, quite the opposite. I have come back to say, that I'm now on Instagram. I want to start sharing my art again, but not on DA. Instagram is a great place for me to go, and I hope many of you guys will stick around, and find me there.
Its been, what, almost 1 1/2 -- 2 years since I last posted on DA? Well, I would say that I have improved a lot, but you can be the judge of that, if you