Colonel-Knight-Rider's avatar


Is Doing Lots of Soul-Searching
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MARIO + LUIGI: A Junior Novelization, Chapter 2 by Colonel-Knight-Rider, literature

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MARIO + LUIGI: A Junior Novelization, Chapter 2 by Colonel-Knight-Rider, literature

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Will You Help Me Decorate?

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • May 13, 1992
  • United States
  • Deviant for 10 years
  • He / Him
Stupid Powers: Participated in Stupid Powers
Share the Love: Participated in DeviantArt's 2020 Valentine's Day celebrations.
StartWithLove: Participated in Start With Love campaign
MagicWeek20Thursday: Participated in DA Magic Week 2020 Thursday
ArcadeWeek20Thursday: Participated in DA Arcade Week 2020 Thursday
My Bio

Myers-Briggs Personality Test Result: INTJ

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear,…" ~ 1 John 4:18

"When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed." ~ Luke 11:21

“Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” ~ Psalm 82:3-4

"If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you are above them." ~ Unknown

"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." ~ Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship." ~ Thomas Aquinas

"Somebody on the Internet thinks what you do is stupid or evil or it's all been done before? Make good art." ~ Neil Gaiman's "Make Good Art" Speech

My name is Robert Goldengate, and I am the strongest knight in history. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary man trying to start a career in finance; but, secretly, with the help of my DeviantArt friends, I fight criminals and protect innocent people using my buckypaper armor and sword in addition to COLT: an intelligent, fighting Ford Mustang invented by a late genius billionaire.

What I am is a symbol: the idea that anyone, no matter their past or present struggles, can rise up again stronger than before. I represent the concept that success, regardless of the obstacles, is never truly borne out of reach. If you have one or more ideas that you want to share with the world but have encountered stumbling blocks along the way, then I know what it is to be you, and I want you to pick yourself up and continue towards success. And the best way to rise above naysayers is simply not to submit to their vapid fury. Know this, and you, too, can dream the impossible dream. You, too, can fight the unbeatable foe. You, too, can run where the brave dare not go.

You, too, can reach the unreachable star.

May hope be with you always.

I am Colonel Knight Rider, the Sentinel of San Francisco.

Colonel Knight Rider Official Logo

If you've ever...

- Taken a blade to that beautiful body of yours. (No)

- Skipped a meal at least once on purpose. (No)

- Cried yourself to sleep because you 'weren't good enough'. (Yes)

- Tried any form of self harm. (No, unless banging your head against various objects counts)

- Thought of or attempted to take your own life. (Yes)

Copy this to your profile, let's see how many of us there are. :heart:

Favourite Visual Artist
The Impressionists, Ansel Adams, all my DeviantArt friends who make visual art
Favourite Movies
Too numerous to mention
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anything pertaining to classic rock or classic jazz
Favourite Books
The Bible, the Dictionary, the Thesaurus, Frankenstein, Animal Farm, Treasure Island, The Phantom Tollbooth
Favourite Games
Super Mario Bros. series, Age of Empires series, RuneScape, anything where I can live vicariously through a knight character
Favourite Gaming Platform
iPhone, DS, 3DS, GameCube, Wii
Tools of the Trade
My Nikon powerhouse of a camera, Google Drawings

Both Sides Now

0 min read
Hello, watchers! I have decided to return to full in DeviantArt for a specific reason. Contrary to a certain man’s claims that I would never experience actual love, over the past week, I finally did for the first time in my life. But there was one problem: it was too much love all at once. Without publicly naming this woman to protect us both from unwelcome attention, I will explain exactly what happened. I met this woman my age, maybe a couple of years older, in a social group I joined to establish a more balanced life outside the Internet. She had competed in a variety of Highland games since high school despite not being of Scottish ancestry herself. In fact, she wasn’t born in America, but I’m not going to publicly name her country of origin, again in the interest of protecting her privacy. When she asked if I knew what the hammer throw was, I happily chimed in, “Know it? My people invented it!” We had a good conversation, and I suppose, at some point while I was using
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It is done. I've created a new home for myself. Those I have wronged recently will continue preaching that I'm the worst person on earth when I'm not because that's how they want to cope, and there's nothing I can to do to convince them to stop. So, now, it's time to accept responsibility for my behavior and move on to my drama-free new abode, thereby giving them the exact peace they want. Invitations have been sent out to those I trust the most. Thanks, everyone, for the past 10 years, and for having my back no matter what. I'll return to posting someday when the dust has settled, but for now, I'll only use this site to keep my Watch list from overflowing by adding your submissions to my favorites.
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I think I need a fresh start on a new Website. For the past six years, someone whose name I will not mention out of respect for their privacy has dragged me and countless others into their world of nonstop conflict, chaos, and drama, where they sic armies on whoever their mortal enemy is this week. And what did I do every time I tried to help them cope? I fanned the flame, that’s what. I did it by being a rescuer in the drama triangle discussed in the previous status. And now, since I obviously failed to communicate this in the previous status I posted due to them blocking me, followed by a status threatening to “expose” me like they’ve made about many others in the past, I’ll try to be more to the point: I am not interested in being their friend anymore. I’m sick of the constant rambling about and threats towards this person, that person, or the next person, and the inability to let things go. I struggle with that enough within myself. I don’t need it from other people, too.
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