CollabsOnHold's avatar


Collabs are On Hold
18 Watchers0 Deviations

These plz accounts were created so that anyone on dA can freely use these icons to display their art status on their profile page.  :)  

Additionally, ALL members of dA can now use the thumb codes for stamps, they're not restricted to just Premium Members anymore! Here's a tutorial on how to use thumb codes/stamps:

Do NOT note any of these accounts to actually ask for a request/trade/commission/etc. for yourself.  The answer is NO.  These are just accounts for people to use the icons.

:bulletpink: :bulletpurple: :bulletblue: :bulletgreen: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink:

- Directions -
Type :icon________: for each plz account icon you want to use, filling the blank with the USERNAME of each plz account,
(e.g. :iconrequestsopen:)

:bulletpink: :bulletpurple: :bulletblue: :bulletgreen: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletpink:

.: Requests :.
When someone asks you to draw something for them (for free).

:iconrequestsopen: :iconrequestsclosed: :iconrequestfriendsonly: :iconrequestsonhold: :iconrequestsask: :iconnorequests:

.: Trades :.
When you draw something for someone and they draw something for you in return.

:icontradesopen: :icontradesclosed2: :iconarttradesfriendsonly: :icontradesonhold: :icontradesask: :iconnotrades:

.: Collaborations :.
When two or more people work on one piece of art (e.g. one person draws and the other colors).

:iconcollabsopen: :iconcollabsclosed: :iconcollabsfriendsonly: :iconcollabsonhold: :iconcollabsask: :iconnocollabs:

.: Commissions :.
When someone pays you (usually with real money [Paypal or mail]) to draw something for them.

:iconcommissionsopen: :iconcommissionsclosed: :iconcommissionsonhold: :iconcommissionsask: :iconnocommissions:

.: Point Commissions :.
When someone pays you (with dA points) to draw something for them.

:iconpointcommissionsopen: :iconpointcommishesclosed: :iconpointcommishesonhold: :iconpointcommissionsask: :iconnopointcommissions:

.: Gifts :.
When you draw someone something (for free) for their birthday, because they're awesome, etc.

:icongiftsopen: :icongiftsclosed: :icongiftsfriendsonly: :icongiftsonhold: :icongiftsask: :iconnogifts:

.: Kiribans :.
Rewarding people who catch your important pageviews. EXAMPLE:…

:iconkiribansopen: :iconkiribansclosed: :iconkiribansonhold: :iconkiribansask: :iconnokiribans:


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How to Use These PLZ Accounts by CollabsOnHold, journal