Hey folks, sorry for the long delay in providing an update. First, I will say that taking a short break from the comic has been refreshing, and allowed me to recoup some much needed energy. Although, as you've probably noticed, that short break has turned out to be a lot longer than anticipated.
Unfortunately, a close family member had a medical emergency at the start of December. Since then, I've been quite busy taking care of said family member, both in and out of the hospital. On top of a busier than usual work schedule, this has left me still quite drained. In short, it hasn't been very much of a vacation.
In this time, I have been trying to get work done on drafting the next couple of chapters. It is tough when energy levels are low and attention is divided, but I am making progress. I want to make sure that this next chapter is the best it can be, as it is one I've been looking forward to making for quite some time. I don't want to give too much away, but it'll be fun