Chilly Meetingscoffinberry on DeviantArt

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coffinberry's avatar

Chilly Meetings



This was probably the last 'big' image I did, and this was a few years ago, so it is of course outdated. It was for   eerieeden of Fritz and Max. Fritz is German, while Max's culture is based on Russian. 

Max's hair is still long. I cringe looking at this. I know I can do better and I am going to work towards that. I am surprised I am even posting this.

Don't ever let yourself be like me! Don't be so damned critical of your work. Don't fucking stress over it and let it consume you, or the love and light that the creation of art once gave you will DIE. That is what happened to me.
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1469x923px 96.8 KB
© 2017 - 2025 coffinberry
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