Beneath the Magnoliacoffinberry on DeviantArt

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April 26, 2009
Beneath the Magnolia by *coffinberry The suggester writes: "She worked on it through Ustream and TONS of people can attest to how much work she really put into it. All the clovers, the grass, she rendered by hand. The textures are hers...she did it all herself with no brushes or scattering or anything. The original file is ENORMOUS. And I think she's proud of it, too, which is kind of rare for her. The thumbnail looks like a photograph. The whole thing is perfect. She did such an amazing job on this."
Featured by savagebinn
Suggested by xainy
coffinberry's avatar

Beneath the Magnolia


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The two climbed into his old car, the unreliable hunk of metal that had miraculously made it's way up from Moriz with all of it's parts intact. "Where are we going, Misha?" Zoe asked him while buckling her seatbelt. "Put on your belt! Cars are dangerous!" she scolded him as he grinned and leaned forward towards the steering wheel to start the car. The car started reluctantly and began it's route.

"You didn't answer and you didn't put your seatbelt on yet," Zoe prodded again.

"To the park for a few hours. You people up here in Kasimir live life too fast. You need to get away for a day", he responded, keeping his eyes on the road the entire time, with one hand on the wheel and the other propped against the open window. Zoe could tell he was enjoying the air on his face. "Back home, we embrace living slowly and with nature, not on it."

And later, after a long day of talking and general 'being', they did indeed become part of nature as they tangled together in the clovers beneath the magnolia. A comforting sleep between two friends, never anything more.

The fullsize is huge, bewarned.
I am done with this. I did all those damn little clovers and grass and everything without the use of any photoshop scatters or stamps or anything. I drew them damn things one by one and I'm glad I didn't cave to cheat. Textures too, those are just brushe strokes. Thanks to everyone who watched me work on this in Ustream! Sorry you had to watch me paint grass most of the time. I added your intitials into the clovers, I hope they're still visible once I shrunk this down.

SAI, I don't know how long this took.
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1350x1800px 4.22 MB
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