LlamascotCoffeeSorbet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/coffeesorbet/art/Llamascot-288570837CoffeeSorbet

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Badge Awards


I, CoffeeSorbet, give GIVEALLAMAGETALLAMA (giveallamagetallama.deviantart.com) permission to manipulate, alter, edit, and use my deviation "Llamascot" for their group purposes. This includes group tutorial deviation previews, posting this deviation on their blog, logos, group avatar/icon, and other other such uses for their group. I will only allow GIVEALLAMAGETALLAMA (giveallamagetallama.deviantart.com) this permission if my entry, "Llamascot," is chosen to be the group's new mascot. This contest entry may not be used for any other purposes.

Here's my tryout for the group llama contest! :la:
The idea behind this character is that he is the one who delivers all the llama badges people send. He keeps a bunch of llama badges in his bag and flies around cyberspace (hence the goggles, to protect his eyes ;3) giving them to deviants. He also wears his own badge, a golden llama (of course! ^^) around his neck on a piece of string.
This includes a shaded and non-shaded version.
I've also posted another pic, a chibi version of him, that can be used in group journals if he's chosen! :happybounce: [link]

I didn't even win one of the bonus prizes ; n ; Oh well, I guess I'll use him as my own then.
Image size
942x600px 161.74 KB
© 2012 - 2025 CoffeeSorbet
anonymous's avatar
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magicfashion's avatar

Good idea!! super