AyumuCoffeeCanvas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/coffeecanvas/art/Ayumu-475110634CoffeeCanvas

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OC for :iconhaikyuu-ken:
I am trying desperately to step out of an art block that's been eating me
and I figured the only way would be to draw for fun without  judging harshly, so this was born

I am not happy with it, especially the head shot so I will revamp it sometime, I suppose I can't really be happy with anything right now x]

voice : fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/201…

points: 6000

Name:  Koizumi Ayumu 
Nicknames: none yet
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Nationality:  Japanese
Height: 160CM
Weight: 49KG
School and year: Yamakiri (Yamagiri) Danshi Gakuen, second year
Position and number: libero 

Strengths: Ayumu is very acrobatic, his flexibility allows him to reach difficult balls and keep them above ground
he is quick and when his mind is cool and under concentration he can tell the ball's possible direction, when he doesn't do that
he would simply try to position himself at a spot which is unguarded
he acts fast and is especially good at diving
he gained his speed from beach volleyball.

Weaknesses:  he works best under concentration however, he has a hard time staying focused through the whole game;
he tries meditating  before a game to stay focused and prevent that from happening but sometimes his competitive spirit gets the better of him, he's trying too hard and it may get in his way and cloud his judgment,short break or teammates support may be just what it takes to put him back on track.  while he has rather good game sense, technique and stamina, he doesn't excel in any of them, jack of all trades master of none in this case.
he doesn't jump well (he dives well and quickly  tho)
and for the love of him, if he ever gets to serve, just gift those points to the rival team,  he was never able to pass it without touching the net.


-friendly /tho this one is an obvious popular trait/ he appreciates company, and usually gets along nicely; he's also used to 'living in commune' as he comes from a big family
so dorms are  a natural option for him and  trips with sleeping in /how to describe those/ are a treat. 

-competitive  too competitive, friendships aside; now it is for the team, for the win.

-obbsessive/ a /light/case of OCD, he takes notice and puts thought of numbers, and he also has a charm collection, and would always get a new one if he sees one.

superstitious  often thinks the outcome for something can be seen in the clouds,  he believes in things like, missing button in a shirt, is a bad omen. completely made up ideas he comes up with. 'this tap is twisted the wrong way, what do you think of this?'

-observant watches over people's little habits, especially in games

-quiet- although being friendly he doesn't necessarily go out of his way to greet new people, and even inside a group he may suddenly shut inside his own world to be awaken by someone. whether he's watching the window too carefully or counting something,
and he doesn't raise his voice. if alone he would mostly sit somewhere with headphones on hearing music if not training.

-ambitious aims high, and then higher, wants to get better and even better, never again farmer(family business) this is big!
/also has to do with his obsession/

-active outdoors-  attends events and concerts, will never drop an offer for an outdoor match, would always visit the sea, and the mall and the market- definitely

traditional (isn't there a better word for it?) - in a way that he loves native food, Japanese resorts, clothes etc
he finds odd people who don't wear a kimono in a resort with an onsen, Japanese style, why would someone not wear one?
/brings a kimono to training camps/
and he would rather have Japanese dishes over western food.

confident living with others/patient/ tolerant- (how to call it???) since he comes from a big family he is used to living  around other people, sleep around  other people, is less shy than others, he wouldn't care changing clothes in the locker room around teammates, unlike some that for any reason can be shy. 

confident- even if hes doing poorly, he believes in himself to find a way till the very end; however if the game was lost, it will take him time to get over it, and then training makes perfect, next time I will win for sure. losing can really get to him, but raises his motivation more

Biography:  he comes from a village, large however, a village still. has 2 sisters and 3 brothers, a mother, and a dad that's always on the travel. and an average family business 
most of his family are already mixed in this business.

however he wishes for something else for himself; they do not lack in terms of money, they make an average living and yet, this never seemed to him, like a future to strive for;

his sister is a business woman promoting the family produce in the market, she lives in Tokyo

also he has a brother out of the village and an uncle, he would often move to their places to get the atmosphere of the more central cities.

he has a very good friend in his village: Kaede Mizushima
Mizushima was always rather tall, but he got taller and taller while Ayumu stayed the same, the two were very competitive
even then, altho great friends. and they had natural control with a ball, sports class was a big hit;
it was always, run to this point or that point, whoever gets last /batsu game/
Ayumu was less carefree then Mizushima. especially when they compete, Mizushima seemed to take things easier and Ayumu struggled and even when he was as serious as he could about it, he would rarely win things like running, jumping, hitting the ball hard, aiming;
or power tasks

he decided to train and improve, training became an obsession for him, as he was  obsessive in general 

during his free time he helped in the farm

one day at the beach some guys played volleyball, they were missing a player and he was asked to join
with the net's height he didn't think he could get the balls through being up front; blocking wasn't an option but his fighting spirit was always sky high; , competitions are his name of the game.
however they told him he's not allowed to attack , unless it's a passing through the net. he can't spike.
they said keep the ball in game, and just have fun, relax.

the guys who invited him in were the village's beach volley kids; they were nothing official outside of the village, it was something local
and  they joined him in after they saw how he did during that game; he needed to work on a better understanding of a more professional volleyball form of play, however they saw potential in him; he hurried to let Mizushima know of the news.

but it seemed their rivalry would never end, no one was better than the other

when he finally finished school he knew where Mizushima was going to go next
but he was never sure of his own way; he couldn't promise he would attend the same school

and he ended up joining a different school after all;

his village was a tourist point for all the traditional locations
one popular site was a shrine

he would always go there as a kid as well
his family was in general more traditional than the more mainstream cities people.
and there were always charms and knickknacks for tourists to choose from, that's where he gained his love for those;
he has a collection of unused blessed wind charms. (those that make tunes to the wind, and have a blessing written on them)

his mother thought of him as an undisciplined child; never listens, only does what he wants, his eyes always inspect the clouds as he walks, he needed some direction she thought; and she saw his obsessive collections (charms)  as bad illness.
however she did think the volleyball did good to him seeing how well he did in his village games, and how different he suddenly looks when competing, after he showed interest in Yamakiri she thought the school would be best; she followed by  her impression of it, since there was a monk, then surely that would be school for discipline wouldn't it?
or so she thought.

having being already experienced in the sport, even so little, he made it in, however like everyone else, there's learning to do.
if there wasn't a libero spot, they would have never have him.

the fact of it being so far away from anything at all, was not a new experience for him however, isolation was something he always escaped from; this experience however had a charming atmosphere to it, like living above the clouds he would always gaze at.

+running at the beach
+fish, restaurants, outdoor bbqed fish, fishing;
+festivals and food stalls, would drag a volley member of any team of friendship status with him out for festival activities no matter the situation.
+haunted houses, ghost stories
+ numbers (not in the mathematical sense)
+lucky charms, good luck charms, charms.
+indoor pools
+ staring at the clouds during bus rides, or trains; their shape and number have a meaning, sometimes.
+fun outdoor activities
+flavored bread
+ apples please.
+Jpop and modern Enka

- TOO many colors on one object, those are difficult to ignore
- spicy hot food
- rainy days, it's bad luck , also, outdoor games get canceled.
- caged birds
-being addressed as shortie
- having chan added to his name
-people calling him nezumi, again, to point out he's short.

Additional Information: 
-he counts allot of things, numbers have a meaning, especially his shirt number, but pays attention to team numbers as well
-very competitive on court, outside of a game he's your normal friendly guy
-has a charm collection, cannot ignore a charm street stall if he happens to pass by one, he would always buy, and give them to his team members
-he loves bread in flavors, banana bread, strawberry bread etc; would buy them from a vending machine should his school have one.

-when he is focused it is deep focus, almost scary, his eyes are dead on what's happening on the court, nothing can shake him, however; it is a matter of time, he doesn't stay focused for long periods of time and his games may drop unless his mind is in form.

- he believes fancy cakes are real life magic
-has a brother who's good at Kendo, he's been in local competitions, but never won too many.
山!霧!  山霧しょうり~!
(Yama~giri, Yamagiri Shouri)
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1278x906px 798.15 KB
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Darkthare's avatar
Gaahh he's amazing <333 I'd love to RP sometime~