ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
coenka on DeviantArt
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I've recently started playing RPGs again and wanted to break out the paints. It has been several years so I am very rusty and my eyes have gone bad but I'm hoping to get more practice soon. This miniature is for a plainsman buffalo priest I play in my friends D&D game. I couldn't find a mini that fit the bill so I took a barbarian type and modded it a bit. The axe is trimmed to resemble a large tomahawk and his head dress is actually cinnamon chewing gum (it's all I had and the game was that afternoon) and tusks from a boar. Nothing great but good enough for the table
Image size
1221x423px 957.5 KB
© 2016 - 2025 coenka
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This looks cool
Which game is this from? :3
Which game is this from? :3